Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"So-Low Show" by Brooke Van Poppelen

Reluctant to be in the spot light or to be talented at anything, from a young age Brooke Van Poppelen had always taken the easy way out of everything.

But luckily the universe was generous over the years and kept dealing mortifying blow after blow so that her laundry list of stupid decisions, bad luck, failed relationships, and bizarre obsessions drove her to become a comedian. Surviving the maelstrom that is life has led Van Poppelen to believe she is good at something and that people should pay to see it, which is a slippery slope for a reformed anti-depressant abuser prone to emotional black holes and shame eating.

So-Low Show is a vulnerable tour through Van Poppelen’s absurd world where pilfering Lean Pockets on Xmas eve, marrying (and eventually divorcing) a sworn enemy, and purposely losing her incumbent 6th grade spelling bee championship title, is all completely normal, even justifiable behavior for a person without impulse control.

"FLY, GIRL" by Mara Herron

After receiving the fortune cookie message while “you love the spotlight, become an entertainer” three times while studying at UCLA, Mara Herron knew the Chinese were up to something, and after graduation, moved from her roots in Southern California to New York City to pursue her destiny. The only problem she faced was her own inner civil war between the two types of entertainment she planned to pursue: hip hop dance and stand-up comedy.

While studying as a hip hop dancer, Mara learned she had to tap into a side of herself that was sexy and sultry, letting go of any inhibitions she had before about her body and its ability. Unfortunately, the comedian inside her made it incapable for her to take herself seriously doing that, and eventually she steered away from dance and began stand-up. Herron then felt she had to make a choice between the two, and it wasn’t until she realized that the only person limiting her from being an entertainer who is capable of being humorous and sexy in the same show, is herself.

Thus in Fly, Girl, Mara Herron describes her trials and tribulations of pursuing her two passions: hip-hop dance and stand-up comedy. Fly, Girl explores her adventures of waitressing at P. Diddy’s restaurant, her imagined bout with gout, denying her sorority ties, plus growing up with a Mormon boyfriend and a Mexican housekeeper.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Fancy! Our silkscreened handbills are ready!

Brooke and Mara are not afraid to go a little outside of the box when it comes to hand bills! Does anyone say hand bill anymore? Okay, "flyer". FINE. You win, popular culture. Anyhow Etsy---- eat your heart out!!!